Wednesday 31 October 2012

Failure is success if we learn from it...

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Failure is success if we learn from it.....

Learning from your failures can and should be as informational...
And productive as learning from your successes...
But only with this caveat... 
You need to examine your failures from the very same success mindset of thinking...
 And behavior that gave you your successes...
Having a strong and solid inner sense of self worth means 
that a failure or a mistake doesn’t define who you are. 
When you believe that you are still a good person.... 
It’s simply feedback that you need to try something else
to get the outcome that you want....
You will stop equating your self worth and self esteem with 
making mistakes or not making mistakes...
A person that believes that they have 100% self worth as a birth right will see a mistake.... 
Or a failure as an opportunity to learn how to do it better the next time.....
They can get right back up, dust their knees off...And get going again...
They won’t beat themselves up because.....
After all,...humans will make mistakes.....
Instead, they ask themselves what can I change to do...
We have to learn again that failure is important and shouldn't be feared...
It should be seen for what it is... A step on the road to success...
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