Tuesday 27 November 2012

Changing For The Better....Change means that

" Changing For The Better....Change means that what was before wasn't perfect...
People want things to be better...
Ester Dyson "
If you are at " X " right now... And you want to get to " Y " or " Z "
( Your Goals) ...
You will obviously have to make some changes in direction and attitude....
People like to think about reaching goals...
But once they hear or read that phrase..
"Make a change " 

They begin to squirm..Most of us don't like change....
Even when it is for the better...Change can be painful..
So we quickly learn to avoid it.....

If you want to make a change..
You are also going to have to take a chance....
The greater the change....The bigger the chance...
and change brings opportunity too......
And still you must be willing to change....
To take a chance...
You must be willing to fail without calling yourself a failure......

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