Wednesday 28 November 2012

Never... Never... Never Give Up ...

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Be Relaxed And Confident....Think like a winner....Never give up....

" Never... Never... Never Give Up ... " 
Winston Churchill

Never....Never....Never...Ever give up until your fulfill your Dream... Goal....Or Vision...Persistence is key and necessary for you to fulfill your visions of greatness... 
There are many obstacles and mindless people who will always try...
And stop you from becoming great because they can't see themselves becoming great...

The world around us always reflects our state of mind....
If you think like a winner.. You’ll be a winner...
If you’re a whiner and you pay too much attention to failure…
You get the point...Be confident...
No matter what you do...In time...
The ‘fake’ confidence will become real...
Trust me! Breathe and be relaxed even if your  knees are shaking... In time... 
They will adapt to the fact that they belong to a strong... Confident person...

Never give up...No matter how many times you fail...
Success is not about how hard you fall...
It’s about getting up and trying one more time...
Doing nothing is the easiest way of avoiding failure...

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