Monday 31 December 2012

Obstacles don’t have to stop you...

  Obstacles don't have to stop you..
If you run into a wall...
Don't turn around and give up..
Figure out how to climb it..
Go through it..
Or work around it..

 Michael Jordan 

Sometimes we are afraid of success...
But don't realize or acknowledge it....
We are afraid of the obstacles that will show up...
Can we get through them ?
Most definitely yes! Use your creative powers ...
To find ways to overcome..
Or use those obstacles to your advantage...
They are part of the price you must pay to be successful..

Have faith in yourself and don't be swayed..
To move off your course..
If the going gets rough...
There are always bumps to make..
The journey more interesting and challenging....
You may falter and have to change your approach...
But you can do it.. 

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