Monday 31 December 2012

Whatever you can do。。。

 Whatever you can do or 
dream you can.. begin it...
Boldness has genius.. Power.. 
And magic in it....
Begin it now......
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

A new beginning can be the source of great excitement...
... So begin...Cast your doubts aside..
Do the first step...
And already you are on the way towards your dream...
You may make mistakes..
But you can learn from them....
Your course might change...
But only if you find a better course....
You might have to cross obstacles along the way..
But they will help you grow....
If you reach your goal...
You will feel a deep satisfaction looking at your achievement...
And looking back at the path you took..
Whatever you can dream.. Do it...
Remove the obstacles...
Work hard and never give up..
And Try begin your dreams...

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