Saturday 1 December 2012

..Winners never quit and quitters never win. Vince Lombardi

" Winners Never Quit and Quitters Never Win..."
 Vince Lombardi
Quitting too often in the long run can turn into a bad habits as you easily gave up due to some obstacles along the way..

Our character and will power are developed by the things we constantly do. Unconsciously, you will developed a weak character and will power when you quit too quickly whenever you encounter some obstacles when striving towards ...
your goal. Everyone slip and fall along the way, you can get battered and bruised, but get up, dust yourselves and keep moving even when no one is cheering you on. Failure is never permanent until the day you decide to quit and give up.

Without a never quitting attitude, we wouldn't be able to accomplish anything. Developing a never quitting attitude is what that drives you internally and externally to succeed in whatever you want to do....

Wishing you success as a winner who never quit... 

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