Friday, 30 November 2012

Don't dwell on who let you down...

Don't dwell on who let you down,

 Cherish those who hold you up... 

Stay positive... Stay fighting..

Stay positive... Stay fighting..
Stay brave... Stay motivated..
Stay ambitious.. Stay focused...
Stay strong... Be successful...
Stay successful..

Sometimes the best thing you can do is not think..

Sometimes the best thing you can do is not think...
not wonder.. not imagine... not obsess..
Just breathe...
and have faith that everything will work out for the best...

Appreciate those who love you..

Appreciate those who love you...
Help those who need you..
Forgive those who hurt you..
Forget those who leave you...

If your actions inspire others to dream more...

If your actions inspire others to dream more...
learn more.. do more and become more...
you are a leader...

John Quincy Adams.

Sometimes you have to test someone...

Sometimes you have to test someone...
Not because you don’t trust them.. 

but to see how much they’ll sacrifice for you.... 

And sometimes you have to let them go...
Not because you suddenly stopped loving them...
But to see if they love you enough to come back....

If you want your life to be a magnificent story..

If you want your life to be a magnificent story..
Then begin by realizing that you are the author 

and everyday you have the opportunity to write a new page..
Mark Houlahan

You may fall in love with the beauty of someone..

You may fall in love with the beauty of someone.. 

But always remember that finally... 

you have to live with the character not the beauty...

Believe in yourself and stand for your dream...

Believe in yourself and stand for your dream... 

Even in the midst of difficult times... 

you need to maintain the confidence and conviction

that you can achieve what you want...

A Strong person is the one who doesn't cry.

A strong person is not the one who doesn't cry... 

A strong person is one who is quiet

 and sheds tears for a moment...

and then picks up her sword and fights again....

In order to succeed...

In order to succeed.. your desire for success should be 

greater than your fear of failure...

Bill Cosby

Whether you think you can or can’t…you are right.

“ Whether you think you can or can’t…you are right...." 
Henry Ford...

You must believe you can do something in order for it to happen… If you don’t believe in something...
Well then it can’t happen to for you...

You can do ANYTHING you put your mind too......

Thursday, 29 November 2012

A good life is when you assume nothing..,

 A good life is when you assume nothing... 
do more... smile often, dream big, laugh a lot, 
and realize how blessed you are for what you have..

Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Never... Never... Never Give Up ...

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Be Relaxed And Confident....Think like a winner....Never give up....

" Never... Never... Never Give Up ... " 
Winston Churchill

Never....Never....Never...Ever give up until your fulfill your Dream... Goal....Or Vision...Persistence is key and necessary for you to fulfill your visions of greatness... 
There are many obstacles and mindless people who will always try...
And stop you from becoming great because they can't see themselves becoming great...

The world around us always reflects our state of mind....
If you think like a winner.. You’ll be a winner...
If you’re a whiner and you pay too much attention to failure…
You get the point...Be confident...
No matter what you do...In time...
The ‘fake’ confidence will become real...
Trust me! Breathe and be relaxed even if your  knees are shaking... In time... 
They will adapt to the fact that they belong to a strong... Confident person...

Never give up...No matter how many times you fail...
Success is not about how hard you fall...
It’s about getting up and trying one more time...
Doing nothing is the easiest way of avoiding failure...

When Life Gives You A Hundred Reasons To CRY....

 When Life Gives You A Hundred Reasons To CRY....
Show Life That You Have A Thousand Reasons To SMILE....."

This is my wish for you....

This is my wish for you....
Comfort on difficult days, rainbows to follow the clouds, smiles when sadness intrudes, faith so that you can believe, sunsets to warm your heart, laughter to kiss your lips, courage to know yourself,  hugs when spirits sag, patience to accept the truth, beauty for your eyes to see,  confidence for when you doubt, friendships to brighten your being,  
and Love to complete your life...

Don't wait until everything is just right....

Don't wait until everything is just right....
It will never be perfect....
There will always be challenges.....
Obstacles and less than perfect conditions....
So what.... Get started now....

With each step you take...
You will grow stronger and stronger...
More and more skilled....
More and more self-confident....
And more and more successful.....”

Mark Victor Hansen  

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Keep Climbing....

Keep climbing....Every person who is at the top of the mountain did not fall there from the sky..  
Good things come to those who work for them..  You gain confidence and grow stronger by every experience in which you truly push yourself to do something you didn't think you could do..  
If you are standing in that place of in-between.. unable or unwilling to go backwards.. 
but too afraid to move forward.. remember that you can't enjoy the view without being willing to climb..


Surround yourself with people who know your worth..

Surround yourself with people 
who know your worth..
You don't need too many people to be Happy..
Just a few REAL ones who appreciate you
 for exactly who you are..



" Believe in yourself and in your dream...
Though impossible things may seem..
Someday, somehow, you'll get through..
To the goal you have in view...

Mountains fall and seas divide...
Before the one who in his stride...
Takes a hard road day by day..
Sweeping obstacles away....

Believe in yourself and in your plan..
Say not... I cannot ... But.. I can...

The prizes of life we fail to win..
Because we doubt the power within...."

Don't Ever...

Don't Ever.....

" Don't ever be reluctant
to show your feelings
when you're happy, give in to it...
When you're not, live with it....

Don't ever be afraid to try to
make things better
you might be surprised at the results...

Don't ever take the weight of the world
on your shoulders....

Don't ever feel threatened by the future
take life one day at a time

Don't ever feel guilty about the past
what's done is done...
Learn from any mistakes you might have made....

Don't ever feel that you are alone
there is always somebody there
for you to reach out to....

Don't ever forget that you can achieve
so many of the things you can imagine...
It's not as hard as it seems...

Don't ever stop loving...
Don't ever stop believing..
Don't ever stop Dreaming your Dreams...."

Everyone has a chance to be successful.....

Everyone has a chance to be successful..

" Some say opportunity knocks only once... That is not true...
Opportunity knocks all the time...
But you have to be ready for it...If the chance comes...
You must have the equipment to take advantage of it....”
Louis L'Amour

People often handle life as they do bad weather....
They while away the time waiting for it to stop....
Yet the tide of opportunity comes to everyone....

Opportunity knocks all the time...
But you’ve got to be ready for it....
When your chance comes...
You must have the equipment to take advantage of it...

The race is not to the swift or the battle to the strong..
For time and chance happen to everyone.... 
Take a second look at what appears to be someone’s “good luck...”
You’ll find not luck but preparation...
Planning and success-producing thinking....

When you’re prepared for opportunity your chance for success is sure to come...
The season of failure is the best time for sowing the seeds of success
The tide of opportunity comes to everyone....Even to you..

Dictionary is the only place that success comes before work...

" Dictionary is the only place that success comes before work....
Hard work is the price we must pay for success....
I think you can accomplish anything if you're willing to pay the price...."

Vince Lombardi

Many people want to achieve success...
But... there is a price you must pay to achieve that...
Success has the same way in sale. If you want success, you must pay the price...
Many people do not want to pay the price of success 
because they think that it is too expensive or they think that they can’t afford that....

Many people were so motivated to achieve success...
But they soon forget their dreams after knowing the price of that....
They even do not try to pay the price....
If you want to be successful...
You must work harder and go longer that anyone else.... 
If you do more, you will get more.....
Perhaps you have heard this proverb...
“NO PAIN, NO GAIN.” .....
If you try to avoid the pain... You will gain nothing....
Only the successful people want to get up from their dreams....
And want to work hard to pay the price for success....

Successful people focus on paying the price to achieve what they desire..
Nothing is free in this world....Pay the price and success is yours...
Success belongs to everyone who is willing to pay the price...

Be The Best of Whatever You Are....

Be The Best of Whatever You Are....

If you can't be a pine on the top of the hill...
Be a scrub in the valley-but be..
The best little scrub by the side of the rill...
Be a bush if you can't be a tree....

If you can't be a bush be a bit of the grass...
And some highway happier make....
If you can't be a muskie then just be a bass...
But the liveliest bass in the lake...

We can't all be captains, we've got to be crew...
There's something for all of us here...
There's big work to do, and there's lesser to do..
And the task you must do is the near...

If you can't be a highway then just be a trail...
If you can't be the sun be a star...
It isn't by size that you win or you fail...
Be the best of whatever you are...
Douglas Malloch

Action is the foundational key to all success...

"  Action is the foundational key to all success......" 
Pablo Picasso

It seems to go without saying that to get anything done...
You have to do something...However, many never do anything....
They dream and plan and hope...
But do not do the things that will lead them to their goals...

To achieve your dreams you need a foundation of action...
Built with planning....
If you plan and take action there are no heights you cannot attain...

We aren’t quite sure where to start....
We sit around waiting for the right opportunity....
But it never comes....
When you find yourself in this position DO SOMETHING....
DO ANYTHING....You will probably make mistakes...
And have to start over...
But by acting you build a foundation of knowledge...
Gain experience.... And make contacts....
One venture leads to another....
And before you know it....
That opportunity you’re dreaming of presents itself....
If you sit around and wait...
You will always be waiting....
If you really want something to achieving your goals....
And get start making moves...



" Whatever is your goal....
Whatever is your dream...
Just keep going...
keep trying... keep pushing...
keep pulling... keep fighting.....
Realize that pain and discomfort WILL be present....
Often enough to get you to think....
If all of this is really worth it....
Realize that sometimes you WILL hear words....
Of discouragement come out....
From other people's mouths.....
But when you know in your heart....
That you CAN achieve your goal....
When you know your dream CAN become a reality....
You accept these facts....
You become aware that....
They will be a part of your journey....
You acknowledge all of this....
Focus on what you desire....

Life is...The only chance you get....

Life is....
The only chance you get......
How you live it.....
What you take from it......
How much you give back.....
A joy and a heartbreak......
Doing the best with what you have.....
Loving with all of your heart.......
Treating all forms of it with respect......
And a wondrous beautiful mystery.... 
C . Yost

Whatever task you undertake..

Whatever task you undertake.....
Do it with all your heart and soul......
Always be courteous......
Never be discouraged......
Beware of him who promises something for nothing.....
Do not blame anybody for your mistakes and failures......
Do not look for approval except the consciousness of doing your best.....
 Bernard Mannes baruch.....

Changing For The Better....Change means that

" Changing For The Better....Change means that what was before wasn't perfect...
People want things to be better...
Ester Dyson "
If you are at " X " right now... And you want to get to " Y " or " Z "
( Your Goals) ...
You will obviously have to make some changes in direction and attitude....
People like to think about reaching goals...
But once they hear or read that phrase..
"Make a change " 

They begin to squirm..Most of us don't like change....
Even when it is for the better...Change can be painful..
So we quickly learn to avoid it.....

If you want to make a change..
You are also going to have to take a chance....
The greater the change....The bigger the chance...
and change brings opportunity too......
And still you must be willing to change....
To take a chance...
You must be willing to fail without calling yourself a failure......

Sometimes you just gotta accept that some people can only ..

Sometimes you just gotta accept that some people 
can only be in your HEART ..
not in your LIFE...

If you can't solve it... It isn't a problem...

If you can't solve it...
It isn't a problem...
It's reality...
And sometimes reality is the hardest thing to understand...
And the thing that takes the longest to realize...
But once it hits you in the face you'll never forget it....
It will always be there in your memories...
And sometimes that's the best way to look at it...

Your success in life depends on how much confident you are....

Your success in life depends on how much confident you are...
The life you are leaving today and the life you will live in future decided by your confidence level...  
It's a simple formula. The more confident you are.. 
the more successful and happy life you will live...

One of the biggest obstacles in the path of success is your thoughts and beliefs... 
What you thought you become... 
The life you are living today is the result of your thoughts in your mind...  
The very first thing you need to do is to believe in yourself... 
You need to believe that you can do it. You need to believe that everything is possible... 
You need to believe in your abilities...

When you believe that you can do it, you mind automatically finds out way to do things.... 
You will be surprised at how creative your mind is when you believe that you can do... 
You mind gives you thousand of ways to accomplish your goals 
when you believe that it is possible and it can be done...

And to change your beliefs you need take actions that can motivate you and help you find your inner self and Motivational Your Life ...  It will give you motivation to accomplish your goals.... 
and increase your confidence too....

Just keep moving forward and don't give a shit about what anybody thinks...

Just keep moving forward and don't give a shit about what anybody thinks...
Do what you have to do... for you...
Johnny Depp

Even when it's hard to move...

Even when it's hard to move... 
take small steps forward.... 
Because every step will lead you farther away from where you were yesterday...



” I am your constant companion....
I am your greatest asset or heaviest burden....
I will push you up to success or down to disappointment....
I am at your command...
Half the things you do might just as well be turned over to me...
For I can do them quickly, correctly, and profitably...
I am easily managed, just be firm with me....
Those who are great, I have made great...
Those who are failures...
I have made failures....
I am not a machine...
Though I work with the precision of a machine....
And the intelligence of a person....
You can run me for profit...
Or you can run me for ruin....
Show me how you want it done....
Educate me.... Train me....
Lead me.... Reward me....
And I will then…..
Do it automatically....
I am your servant....
Who am I ?
I am a habit....

Letting go doesn't mean we don't care...

Letting go doesn't mean we don't care...
Letting go doesn't mean we shut down.... 
Letting go means we stop trying to force outcomes and make people behave.... 
It means we give up resistance to the way things are, for the moment. 
It means we stop trying to do the impossible ..
controlling that which we cannot .. 
and instead.. focus on what is possible..

Monday, 26 November 2012

One day at a time is enough ...

One day at a time is enough ...
Remember that you have done what you could today;..
some blunders may have crept in,...
forget them as soon as you can... 
Tomorrow is a new day, you can do much better 
if you leave the burden of your past behind and forge ahead with courage....  
One day at a time – that is enough

                                                      One day at a time...This is enough....
Do not look back and grieve over the past.. 
for it is gone..
and do not be troubled about the future... 
for it has not yet come.... 
Live in the present, and make it so beautiful 
that it will be worth remembering.



" Businesses don’t plan to fail... They fail to plan.”
Yesterday’s plan may not work today....Change your business goals to take advantage of your strengths...Weaknesses...And passions... 
The whole path doesn’t have to be clear...
Many businesses and people have found their way to success without much of a plan...But they didn’t become successful by sitting back and watching either...

Establish your goals and outline the steps you will need to follow in order to achieve them...This doesn’t necessarily have to be in a business plan form...
But actually writing down and committing to your goals will give you a daily reminder of why you started your business and what it will take for you to feel successful...

No matter what, once in your life...

No matter what, once in your life, someone will hurt you. 
That someone will take all that you are,
 and rip it into pieces and they won’t even watch where the pieces land.
 But through the breakdown, you’ll learn something about yourself. You’ll learn that you’re strong. 
And no matter how hard they destroy you,
that you can conquer anyone...

Work smart, not hard....

Work smart, not hard....
Working smart not hard" means that your efforts should to go high-priority tasks that contribute to accomplishing your goals... 
If you run a home business, you may feel that you work all day 
but get very little accomplished...
SET YOUR GOALS. First you need to figure out what needs to get done. 
Set goals that will let you see the work you are trying to accomplish...  
Be detailed and thoughtful in your goal setting....
Learn how to work smart ... 
Not hard...To achieve your goals...

Be with someone who knows exactly ...

Be with someone who knows exactly what they have when they have you....
Not someone who will realize it when they've lost you....